
Showing posts from September, 2016


I know it's not Pi day or anything special but I just say this online and it blow my mind hard. I was simply amazed by this, my mind for a second overloaded with thoughts; and I love it. I just wanted to share my experience with you.

The pedestrian event review

Well I read to the part where he gets stopped by the police. He is asked what he's doing. I think that society in that time expects the people to be sheeps and do what everyone is doing. I believe it is what is kind of happening today.

Presidential election reaction

Well I watched like 10 minutes of the debate and found it to be interesting. I have never watched one before. This was an eye opener you can say. Well in the beginning they were talking about guns and African Americans bad how they were seen in society. The also gave out their ideas on how to change this and one wanted more check ups and the other wanted to bring back old law in place. Well that was a good too see how presidents make an impression on people.

The pedestrian first reaction

The impression I got from the couples paragraph was that this story is going  to be very fast in describing ideas. Also there is lots of allusion.

Vocabulary week 4

Intermittent- Not continuous or steady Ebb- to move away from land Regress- return to a former or less developed state Tendency- an inclination toward a particular characteristic Antiseptic- of related to or denoting substances that prevent the growth of disease- causing microorganism

Eye check up!!

Well today I got an appointment to get my eyes checked, because I've been having trouble reading so let's see how it goes next week.!

Vocabulary III


My Aeries

Well On my essay I got an A-! Which by the was is great, but I'm not that satisfied with it. I could've of finishedthe last part and got a better grade. I do realize and agree that my answers were a little simple and basic. I was lost half way through the essay. I was funny, because I didn't know what write and the the stories started to come back to me. I had to stop and think every now and then. Now I'm going to talk my over all grade in this class I think it should be an A-, because I've got most of the blogs and journals done. I do get lost some times, but it okay.

Memorizing video of poem by the way I did bad



So today my friend Arthur, Joe, and I had a robotics meeting after school. When we went we thought it wasn't gonna be fun but I turned out that we had a blast. 😎We got to build a robot with Legos it was my first. Unlike for Joe and Arthur who had done it before, but that didn't mean they couldn't enjoyed it. by the way they did. It was al cien if you know what I mean! I honestly can't wait for our next meeting and do more stuff.

Analysis of Glow

I have just started to read the book called Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan. From what I have read in the first chapter is that it's about a crew in space. Their are two ships and are on the move. I have not finished the book and are unable to aswer the questions. But I hope you stay in tune for when I finish.

My big question?

I am real?what is life?are we alone? Why do we die?why are tacos so good? Is the universe an illusion? What is the truth? What is the foundation of the universe? What is our limit? What is mathematics and why is it important?science too? What makes some thing a fact? Is light the same thing as darkness? Why are human here? What makes us so unique? Why can't we be immortal? What is gravity? Why am I hungry? Can humans create life from scratch?